GS Insurance

Santa Clara, CA Insurance Business Magazine names GSI as the 2017 Top US Specialty Insurance Broker. The exclusive endorsed brokerage of the Apartment Owners Association of California, GS Insurance Solutions [GSI] offers programs for apartment owners nationwide. In the two years since its inception, the agency has...

Did you know… Most all Business Owners Policies (General Liability & Property Coverage) exclude Discrimination claims. According to the Department of Fair Employment & Housing of California in 2015 there were over 17,915 complaints were filed.  Of these over 5,000 formal discrimination complaints were made.  Most of...

With an emphasis on foster and developing partnerships with our clients and superior service, GS Insurance Solutions, Inc. was launched on July 28th, 2014. With nearly 50 years of experience of our executive team, GSI carefully considering the specific needs of every partner client and...